I’ve been hesitant to write this post, as I know many of my friends are dieting and/or embrace the weight-loss supplement trend. It’s never my goal to offend anyone, undermine someones success, or spark a nutritional war. But nutrition, health, […]
Healthy Snacking 101
I’ve been getting some requests and concerns about healthy snacking. Specifically healthy snacking on the go! There’s so many snacks on the market today but not all are created equal. When you walk down the grocery store aisles and are […]
Vitamin D- Why You’re not Getting Enough
Why Vitamin D you ask? We get that from the sun and from milk, there’s no way we need to supplement it too. But here’s where you’re sadly mistaken! Vitamin D, could quiet possibly be the most important Vitamin that […]
What’s your Alcohol Hiding?
This topic was actually requested by one of my great friends. At first I thought it wouldn’t be that great of a topic to write about, just because I figured most people already knew all about it. But I decided […]
The Honey Scandal You NEED to Know!
You go to your local grocery store and you see a shelf full of honey. So which one do you add to the cart? Many non honey connoisseurs go for the cute plastic bear with the squeeze top, right? He’s […]
Pico de Gallo a Fresh Salsa
Pronounced: Peek-OH deh Guy-OH Also known as “Fresh Salsa” is a delicious appetizer, snack, or topping. Its not only delicious it’s also guilt free and very healthy! No need to strictly enjoy this delicious salsa just when you go out […]