Kale is a serious superfood that goes unappreciated and undercooked in most households. Kale contains alpha-lipoic-acid, an antioxidant shown to help regain insulin sensitivity, prevent oxidative stress, and help lower glucose levels. In saying this, kale is seriously it’s own […]
Totally Seeded Wholesome Bagels
Never thought about making your own bagels? Why not?! Bagels are fun & easy to make! Easily store bagels for up to 6 months in the freezer. Thaw the night before and you’re bagel is ready for you the next morning! […]
A Health-ier Strawberry Shortcake (featuring spelt and millet biscuits)
The trade off is, nuttier and heartier flavors, increased fiber content, increased protein content, increased vitamin and mineral content, NO carb/sugar crash (because whole-grains are lower glycemic), and you feel more satiated faster, which means you won’t feel the urge to go back for seconds and consume even more calories! So basically it’s a win-win, and everyone that tried these little babies absolutely loved them. They even appreciated the dynamic flavor each component brought to the dish, without missing the sweetness overload most strawberry shortcakes possess. And who needs all that extra sugar when you can drown your biscuit in fresh strawberries bursting with natural sweetness? Cheers to strawberry season – get pickin’!
From Scratch Hot Chocolate
This homemade, from scratch hot chocolate is super rich, smooth, creamy, and will drown your soul in dark chocolaty goodness. I am a huge chocolate fan, especially dark chocolate. The hot chocolate packets on the market are sub par- usually […]
Hemp Milk
For those of you who love making things yourself, you’ll love making Hemp milk! Its super easy, yummy, and nutritious. I decided to give hemp milk a try because cows milk gives me the tummy aches and I love making […]
Lavender Lemonade
Lemonade is oh so delicious but packed with a ton of sugar which is no good! Upwards of 25 grams of sugar just for a one cup serving. This puts you over your daily limit of sugar in just one […]
My Go To Sandwich
I need to start out by saying my Mom approves of this sandwich! I say this because my mom usually thinks everything I eat or make is weird, gross, or too healthy tasting – but I hit this one out […]
Easy Canned Salsa
Have you ever had an over abundance of fruits or vegetables, especially during the summer months and not known what the heck to do with them all? Canning is a great way to preserve vegetables, fruits, and other foods. With […]