The trade off is, nuttier and heartier flavors, increased fiber content, increased protein content, increased vitamin and mineral content, NO carb/sugar crash (because whole-grains are lower glycemic), and you feel more satiated faster, which means you won’t feel the urge to go back for seconds and consume even more calories! So basically it’s a win-win, and everyone that tried these little babies absolutely loved them. They even appreciated the dynamic flavor each component brought to the dish, without missing the sweetness overload most strawberry shortcakes possess. And who needs all that extra sugar when you can drown your biscuit in fresh strawberries bursting with natural sweetness? Cheers to strawberry season – get pickin’!
Hemp Milk
For those of you who love making things yourself, you’ll love making Hemp milk! Its super easy, yummy, and nutritious. I decided to give hemp milk a try because cows milk gives me the tummy aches and I love making […]
Bowl of Goodness
I’m currently eating this right now and I must say it is so delicious, I had to post the recipe! All the flavors work perfectly together to make this amazing refreshing bowl of goodness. And it takes minutes to make; […]
Guilt Free Brownie Batter Smoothie!
That’s right I said it. Guilt free and Brownie batter in one sentence. How, you ask? Honestly, I’m not quite sure how it happened, but it did, and its so worth sharing! DISCLAIMER: Contains NO brownies!
Homeade, Almost Chai Tea
I love Sunday mornings, waking up late, rolling out of bed, and thinking what can I make this morning? Living in New England this time of year, your body is just starting to adjust to the chilly weather after the […]
Pico de Gallo a Fresh Salsa
Pronounced: Peek-OH deh Guy-OH Also known as “Fresh Salsa” is a delicious appetizer, snack, or topping. Its not only delicious it’s also guilt free and very healthy! No need to strictly enjoy this delicious salsa just when you go out […]
Pesto Recipe without the costly Pine Nuts
So I’ve never made my own Pesto before until the other day! I made a very small batch, probably just enough to use one time. I currently have just come home from being away at school and found my basil […]